James - One Year Post PACT

James Humpston. Edwards Gardens, Toronto. 
Photo by Marlee Maclean

One year on from our PACT adventure and unsurprisingly, I long more than ever for another adventure. A trip like this doesn’t quell your need for exploration, it enhances it. It showed me what’s possible, and made me want to push further, for longer. It made me not want to live an ordinary life. Mostly it made me want to do another trip just like it.

I learned a lot from this journey. The kindness and generosity of strangers along the way was humbling, and I’ve tried at every opportunity to pass that generosity along to others. That’s something I plan on doing for the rest of my life.

I also found in me more strength and perseverance than I ever thought I had. I feel more ready to take on the world than ever before. Not every day out there was easy. Some days were extraordinarily difficult. But we all made it through with flying colours. Life back in the real world seems downright easy sometimes.